Tuesday, January 15, 2008

virgin post...this may sound like a diary but....

Most people think that I am interesting, if not a bit eccentric. I am an adventurous, high energy, low maintenance, attractive woman. I love poetry, both to read and write. I also love hiking and climbing (reasonable)mountains. My grandson Justin and I have climbed these hills around here a few times. You should check out the Wichita's http://wichitamountains.org/refuge.html if you haven't already. I design fashion jewelry. I have three children who are grown and on their own. I am a widow who has chosen not to remarry but that is not to say that I would not marry some day. I don't think of the days ahead as short, but filled with dreams and many, many things to do. There are many places I would like to see before I sleep, so many things to do! I will one day go to Florence! I would also like to spend more time with my grandson. My other grandchild, Michael, died in 2002. Since then, my daughter has taken into her heart and home a young woman, (now my granddaughter, so that makes me happy)named Cherise, who is a companion and sister to Justin. I have two sons neither of which has children. My eldest son is an Anglican priest and works in the Pacific Islands. My youngest, a son, lives near me and is a contract's resolutionist for more than one business. My children and grandchildren are the delights and hero's of my life.
I have a B.S. degree in psychology with a strong minor in English. I worked with my husband who was an eye doctor and have worked as an editor since is death. But I am not working now. I love to travel and dream of going to
Europe as I said above, specifically Florence. I love Michelangelo and want to see his birthplace; to walk the streets he walked as he was growing up. I've been to many states and parts of Mexico but I've yet to go abroad and I will to do that.
My friends would say I’m smart, witty, considerate, compatible, and too modest. My children and grandchildren like me too, and are very much a part of my life. (if I were modest would I have said that?)
I love music; classical, Dylan, Willie Nelson, Bob Seeger, Leadbelly, Ertha Kitt, Edyth Piaff. See music section.
These days I read many books each year and spend many hours reading and writing poetry. Someday, I hope to publish a book of poems. Other than that, I try to get as much exercise as possible (walk daily and do strength training) and to live life to the fullest. I don't think I have ever been bored.
I would like to meet;
Bob Dylan, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Dennis Kucinich, Nelson Mandela, Barak Obama, Anderson Cooper, Bill Hemmer and I truly would have enjoyed meeting James Joyce, Georgia Okeefe, Martin Luther King and Ghandi. Most people have a story to tell and meeting them would be rewarding. I especially like to meet and be around people who are smarter than I am. I know we can learn something from everyone though. When it comes to men, for the most part I like men who I am not smarter than.
Interests;Walking, hiking, reading, writing, gardening (see my pics) traveling...not necessarily in any particular order. Another hard to answer subject...there are so many interests and challenges at various times in ones life. I like politics now...well at least I am very intrested in the 08 presidential election and in environmental issues. We need so many changes in this country and for our world.
Movies:. O' Brother where art Thou; a wonderful film where Homer meets Faulkner with George Clooney The Verdict; Paul Newman
To Kill a Mockingbird; Gregory Peck
Hoosiers; Gene Hackman
The member of the wedding; Brandon De Wilde, Julie Harris, Ethel Waters
Sayonara or anything with Brando,
Brokeback Mountain
Television; News...I am a news junkie and watch CNN....Radio is set to NPR.
Books:I love the classics. Favorite story? "The Epic of Gilgamesh" Most books by
Dickens, James Joyce, Jane Austen, The Bronte Sisters, Thomas Hardy and all books of poetry. Bob Dylan, T.S. Eliot, Sylvia Plath, and Yeats are a few of my favorite poets.
Heroes? My children who are grown now but who have been through so much and handled it all with dignity and grace. I learn something every day from them. Bob Dylan...for his contribution to the consciousness raising of the 1960's and for the fact that he is a brilliant poet.


Bybee said...

It's the birth of a brilliant blog. Congratulations.

Call me Robbie or Emma said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog Bybee.